Error in SWAT-Check
SWAT check Program After running SWAT model successfully, the output of SWAT can be check by using new swat interface named as SWAT check window. SWAT check read the swat model output form your swat project to judge the model problems. This program was developed to check the model problem before the calibration. This program can save your time to find the problems in your ruining model. As SWAT model is based on water balance equation and therefore you can see all the water balance component in SWAT check program. As evapotranspiration (ET) should be about or greater than 50% of total incoming rainfall and if your run model is depicting below this amount then you can guess that there is something problem in model that's why ET is less than 50%. This is simple example to guide you to check your run model. You can see in figure given below to see water balance by model where ET is more than 50% of incoming rainfall. There are various options of visual interpretation ...