Download daily weather data into csv/text format from Arc-SWAT web

You can get 5 weather data-sets from Arc-SWAT which are as follows:

1-Max/min temperature (0C)

2-Precipitation (mm)

3-Wind speed(m/s)

4-Relative Humidity (fraction)

5-Solar radiation (MJ/m2)

Specification of data sets

Data sets: These data sets are from climate forecast system reanalysis (CFSR) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) at daily-time basis and at global scale. We can find here precipitation, max/min temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed. These data sets can be download into csv/text format within few following steps. The data sets is available at Arc-SWAT web (click here

Spatial resolution: These data sets are high-resolution data (~ 38 km) which are freely available for a specific site location.

Duration: The availability of data-sets at this platform is 1979-2014..

Steps to download

 Step1: Open this link (

You will come to this page as below:

Step 2: There are two options to view 

1: Map view and 2: satellite view

Step 3: There are two options to select the Area of interest (AOI)

1: by rectangle selection method

2: manually entering the latitude /longitude of AOI

Here we will see both method as 

You can easily use rectangle option as see…

You can enter the latitude/longitude of AOI as..

Any of two selection method you can choose to download... 

Step 4: Select the data, which you want, download….

What you need, you can check in as shown in figure below..

Give you verified email account to get the link to download. Use this link to download.

Thanks for reading. 

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Get video for more help in downloading CFS-weather data

Get global weather -data


  1. Thank you for the instructions, but am finding it difficult to use both methods, because for the region I want, when I try using the triangle method other states which are not part of my geopolitical zone still enter since I can not cave it out. And in the aspect of the coordinates my geopolitical zone dose not have a specified coordinate because it comprise of six states. Please I really need help on this.

    The area where I need data is in Africa, Nigeria(south-south region) which comprises of cross river state, rivers, Edo, Delta, Akwa Ibom, and Bayelsa state.

  2. the page no longer works how can I get the data?


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